Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection

Design and Research Methodology / Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection

31.8.2023 - 30/11/23 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Chen Nan / 0363533

 Bachelors of Design(Honors) in Creative Media Design/ Taylor's University











Presentation Slides






week 3

- Research Problem: Color problems and emotional psychological problems in graphic design. - Problem Statement: Color is one of the most important elements in design, which can profoundly affect people's emotions, understanding and reactions. - Research Question: The cultural differences of each person and country.

week 4

no feedback

week 5
no feedback

week 6

Problem Statement: In the course of research, whether it is my problem statement or otherwise, I should indicate where my knowledge comes from to read, and I should go to refer to the APA format. In the process of writing, the first person should not be used, but the second person. In the process of narration, the goal is too general, and the goal should be precise and specific cases should be studied. Research Objective:In the goal, it is better to change how to use and explore color to how to explore the use of color in the appropriate culture, and the second goal should be more precise, choosing a specific goal. Research Questions:In the research question, the woman gave me an option, and I needed to improve my question according to my goal.

week 7
no feedback

week 8
no feedback

week 9
Questionnaire Survey Question: I should review my questions, my survey questions should be related to packaging design, appropriate changes in age and gender, my questions should be more adjusted to packaging design, and the question setting should be more related to packaging and culture.

week 10

Questionnaire Survey Question:I need to introduce myself in the title introduction section, and change the topic to my research topic. At the end, I should add my contact information. In the sixth question, my question is more vague, I should have specifically asked this question, "What do you think the color on the packaging of different products is different?" In question 11, I should look for some examples for people to choose from, which will make it easier for people to answer these questions, and I should also explain these examples and give reasons why I chose them.

week 11

Questionnaire Survey Question: 1.In the 11th question, I need to unify the picture and select the product packaging of a country for questioning. 2. Add the number order before each question.

week 12

There are too many duplicate contents and the information is not accurate, so i have to re-send my questionnaire to get accurate information.

week 13

Specific feedback: Need to change title "Include the module code (RES60604)", in addition to add Recorded Presentation. ProblemStatement need to delete, because is too long.

week 14
Specific feedback: There are too many pages in PPT, so I need to modify it, because the total time is only 8 minutes, so as to simplify ppt.



Assignment 1 :In task 1, the task is mainly for us to identify our topic. At first, I chose two themes, and finally, under the guidance of the lady, I determined the theme of the connection between cultural background and design color. At first, I was confused, I did not know how to determine the theme, the several themes I selected were not detailed enough and relatively general, but after my step-by-step study and the lady's advice, I improved it and finally successfully determined my theme.

Assignment 2:In task 2, I need to find several papers written by others for research and analyze them with critical thinking. In the process of searching for papers, I searched for papers through Google thesis platform. At first, I found several papers with similar topics to mine, but after analysis, it seemed that they were not closely related to my topic. Therefore, under Ms's suggestion, I found another two papers that were consistent with my topic, discussed and analyzed them.

Assignment 3:Task 3 is a difficult task for me. Task 3 asks me to identify a research method to analyze the data. I chose to investigate. When making the Google form, I set up a lot of questions that made my questionnaire difficult, so I invited my friends to complete it. Since many questions are repetitive and inaccurate, I need to send out questionnaires again for investigation. At the last minute, I frantically looked for someone to answer the questionnaire, and lived up to expectations, I finished it.


Assignment 1 :In the completion of the task, through my observation, it is important to choose a suitable topic. If the chosen topic is inappropriate, general or unnecessary, then the research is of little significance. A proper topic is something to search for and think about, not something to imagine.

Assignment 2 :When I was doing task 2, this assignment exercised my patience. When I was looking for papers, it was difficult for me to find papers that matched my topic. I almost wanted to give it up, but I persevered and carefully looked for it with my heart, and read every similar article to find the answer.

Assignment 3 :In carrying out this task, task 3, through my understanding and observation, seeks for a suitable research method, which is an indispensable link for the completion of the paper. Only by using research methods to investigate and analyze data can we obtain real and effective data. Obtaining these data can increase the credibility and feasibility of the results, so as to facilitate the review and testing of readers. The research method can also provide references for researchers who do related topics or projects in the future, which is an essential link.


Assignment 1 :I have found that direction is important in establishing a topic, and although there are many topics we can use, researching its meaning is sometimes important, or the difficulty of researching it is also a factor. When I set up a topic, the few topics I choose are not clear, which makes me confused, I need to see through the phenomenon to the essence, and constantly search for the fundamental question.

Assignment 2:After studying other people's papers, I find that reading articles with critical thinking enables me to have a deeper understanding and insight into the article, improve my understanding of my topic and make innovations. When I read an article with critical thinking, it can very well stimulate my thinking about the article and make me more motivated to study my topic.

Assignment 3:In my opinion, the research method is crucial to the significance of the paper, which enables my research to reach a conclusion and make my paper transparent. By collecting other people's questionnaires, I can analyze these data. When I sent out the questionnaire for the first time, because I artificially intervened in it, the information was inaccurate. The authenticity of the investigation must be maintained to make my findings more convincing. In a word, research methods can ensure that my research is clearly organized and more credible.



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)