Video And Sound Production ( Project1)

 Video And Sound Production -Project 1


11/04/2023 - 23/05/2023 / Week 2 - Week 8
Video & Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media / Taylor's University
Chen Nan /0363533

Project 1 / Audio Editing Exercises


Please refer to excises 

Excise 1 

First,dubbing excise:

In the dubbing of the whole video, we need to dub the characters in the video. I use the recording function in the mobile phone to register my voice.

Figure 1.1, iPhone recording

Second,look for the environment sound matching the video on the Internet and import Pr for editing.

Figure 1.2,editing 

Figure 1.3, editing 

Third,I took my voice and edited it to fit the characters.

Figure 1.4,soundediting

In this clip, I raised the boy's voice to make it stronger

Figure 1.5 ,sound editing

In this clip, I raised the girl's voice to make it thinner

Fourth,Setting environment sound

Figure 1.6 ,Setting environment sound

In this clip, I embedded the phone ring tone in the conversation between two people and turned the tone down to make it more harmonious in the background music

Final,The editing of the explosion sound

Figure 1.7 ,The editing of the explosion sound

For this clip I used two background sound effects to blend them together and turn down the sound of falling glass to make them more coordinated.

Final Sound Design Submission

Figure 1.8 Final Sound Design Submission

Google Drive:

Excise 2  Sound shaping

Figure 2.1 Sound shaping

Figure 2.2 Sound shaping

Figure 2.3 Sound shaping

Voice of toilet

Voice of phone call

Voice coming from inside of closet

Underground cave


In this project, I learned how to use Pr software to adjust the sound. Alternations of male and female voices, explosions, collisions, and much more. Editing in pr helped me learn more about film and video production. Similarly, in the Au software, I also learned how to make changes to the voices, adjust their tone and volume, and then imitate them.



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)

Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection