Illustration And Visual Narrative / Project 2

 Illustration And Visual Narrative / Project 2
15.05.23 - 01.06.23

Week 7 - Week 9

Chen Nan 0363533


Project 1 for MyTiger requires creating a captivating digital illustration using Adobe Illustrator for an art competition. The focus is on composition theories, design principles, and typography to design an engaging cover page. Visual hierarchy, subtlety, and choosing a suitable style are essential to convey the theme effectively. Researching the 12 SDG goals and Maybank's MyTIGER values helps gather information and visual inspiration. The final illustration should reflect the essence of the art competition and be visually appealing and intriguing.

Figure 1.1 MyTIGER


Figure 2.1 MIB of IVN



MyTIGER stands for:

T - Teamwork
I - Integrity
G - Growth
E - Excellence
R - Relationship

Sustainable Development Goal

SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of 17 global goals established by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals aim to address various social, economic, and environmental challenges faced by the world, including poverty, hunger, gender equality, climate change, and access to education and healthcare. The SDGs provide a framework for countries and organizations to work towards achieving a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Figure 3.1 SDG

Climate Action

Climate Action is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations. It is represented by SDG 13. The goal of Climate Action is to combat climate change and its impacts, focusing on efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to the changing climate, and promote sustainable practices.

Under SDG 13, countries and organizations are encouraged to take urgent action to address climate change and its impacts. This includes implementing policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, and enhancing resilience to climate-related disasters.

Climate Action aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. It recognizes the importance of international cooperation, mobilization of financial resources, and capacity-building to support developing countries in their climate action efforts.

By focusing on Climate Action, the SDGs aim to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, protect the planet, and ensure a sustainable future for present and future generations. It recognizes the interconnectedness of climate change with other development challenges, such as poverty, hunger, and inequality, and emphasizes the need for integrated and coordinated efforts to address these issues.

Figure 3.2 SDG 13 Climate Action


2.1 Ideation

After researching SDG 13, Climate Action, I gathered inspiration for my poster design. I focused on visual elements and symbols associated with climate change and sustainability. My goal was to create an impactful design that conveys the urgency of taking action. I considered colors, typography, and composition to effectively communicate the message. Through thorough research, I developed a strong concept and visual direction for my Climate Action poster.

Figure 4.1 Research from the Internet

2.2 Illustration Design

In my initial sketches, I had separate drawings of a penguin and a polar bear, each representing the impact of climate change on their respective habitats. However, after careful consideration, I decided to combine these elements into one design to create a stronger visual representation of climate action. By uniting these iconic Arctic and Antarctic animals, I aimed to emphasize the interconnectedness of their ecosystems and the urgent need to protect them from the effects of global warming. This combined design conveys a powerful message about the importance of taking action to mitigate climate change and preserve the natural world.

Figure 4.2 Sketches

In my design, I emphasize factories as they emit smoke that causes pollution and leads to the melting of glaciers. The victims are the creatures living in the Antarctic and Arctic, as they lose their homes.

Figure 4.3 Final Design in Adobe Illustrator

Figure 4.  Outline of Final Design

Final Outcome

Figure 4.  Final Design

This poster aims to raise awareness about ecological conservation, particularly focusing on issues related to climate change and the melting of Arctic glaciers. Through the design elements below, it conveys the importance of environmental protection:

The poster features adorable penguins and polar bears on the ice, representing the vulnerability of the polar ecosystem and the threatened animal species. The background depicts a majestic iceberg, symbolizing the natural beauty of the Arctic region and the significance of glaciers.

At the top of the poster, a factory is depicted with smokestacks emitting black smoke, symbolizing the negative impact of industrial activities on the climate and the environment. This emphasizes the environmental degradation caused by industrial emissions.

The color scheme of the poster uses cool tones such as blue and white, creating a chilly atmosphere. This contrasts with the black smoke emitted by the factory, highlighting the issue of environmental destruction.

The slogan and tagline of the poster are placed at the top, calling for people's attention and urging them to protect the Arctic and take environmental actions.

Through this concise yet impactful poster, the intention is to awaken the audience's concern for climate change and the melting of Arctic ice, prompting them to reflect and take action to protect our precious natural environment.

This poster aims to raise awareness about ecological conservation, particularly focusing on issues related to climate change and the melting of Arctic glaciers. Through the design elements below, it conveys the importance of environmental protection:

The poster features adorable penguins and polar bears on the ice, representing the vulnerability of the polar ecosystem and the threatened animal species. The background depicts a majestic iceberg, symbolizing the natural beauty of the Arctic region and the significance of glaciers.

At the top of the poster, a factory is depicted with smokestacks emitting black smoke, symbolizing the neg.


This project on climate action allowed me to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of industrial pollution and glacier melting on the habitats of Arctic and Antarctic wildlife. Through my design, I aimed to convey the urgency for action and inspire viewers to take responsibility for our environment. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience, highlighting the power of design in addressing global issues. I hope my poster sparks conversations and promotes sustainable practices for a better future.



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)

Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection