Assignment 2: Research - Critical Review (Secondary research)


Design and Research Methodology / Assignment 2 :Research - Critical Review (Secondary research)

28/08/23 - 12/10/23 (Week 1 - Week 7)

Chen Nan / 0363533/ Bachelors of Design(Honors) in Creative Media Design/ Taylor's University


Assignment 2 :Research - Critical Review (Secondary research)


week 3
- Research Problem: Color problems and emotional psychological problems in graphic design. - Problem Statement: Color is one of the most important elements in design, which can profoundly affect people's emotions, understanding and reactions. - Research Question: The cultural differences of each person and country.

week 4

no feedback

week 6
Problem Statement: In the course of research, whether it is my problem statement or otherwise, I should indicate where my knowledge comes from to read, and I should go to refer to the APA format. In the process of writing, the first person should not be used, but the second person. In the process of narration, the goal is too general, and the goal should be precise and specific cases should be studied. Research Objective:In the goal, it is better to change how to use and explore color to how to explore the use of color in the appropriate culture, and the second goal should be more precise, choosing a specific goal. Research Questions:In the research question, the woman gave me an option, and I needed to improve my question according to my goal.

week 6
no feedback


Assignment 2:In task 2, I need to find several papers written by others for research and analyze them with critical thinking. In the process of searching for papers, I searched for papers through Google thesis platform. At first, I found several papers with similar topics to mine, but after analysis, it seemed that they were not closely related to my topic. Therefore, under Ms's suggestion, I found another two papers that were consistent with my topic, discussed and analyzed them.

Assignment 2 :When I was doing task 2, this assignment exercised my patience. When I was looking for papers, it was difficult for me to find papers that matched my topic. I almost wanted to give it up, but I persevered and carefully looked for it with my heart, and read every similar article to find the answer.

Assignment 2:After studying other people's papers, I find that reading articles with critical thinking enables me to have a deeper understanding and insight into the article, improve my understanding of my topic and make innovations. When I read an article with critical thinking, it can very well stimulate my thinking about the article and make me more motivated to study my topic.



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