(Week 1 - Week 3)
Chen Nan / 0363533
Brand Coeporate Identity / Bachelor of Design (HONS) in Creative Media
Task 1 / Breaking Brand


Lecture 1; Introduction:

It is related to the visual integrity of a brand, and it is also an important part of the graphic design discipline. The subject of corporate image is an introduction to the basics of brand design and how symbols are used in the field of visual communication.

"A symbol is a mark, sign or word that indicates, signifies or is understood as representing an idea, object or relationship."

Lecture 2;  Brand

What is a Brand?
“What does the word 'brand/branding’ actually mean?  The term derives from the Old Norse word brandr or “to burn," and refers to the practice of branding livestock, which dates back more than 4,ooo years to the Indus Valley” (aka Indus Valley Civilisation - see map).
“Of course, branding has evolved over the centuries-from farmers claiming their property, to artisans claiming credit for their work, to factories claiming their products, to companies claiming their products were better than others.
But what does branding look like in the past and what does I look like presently?

In the 21st century, branding is still about ownership, not just property and products. It's about understanding what your company values and stands for, acknowledging your shortcomings, and earning the trust and loyalty of your customers through your words, actions, and stories.

So what is a brand?
“A brand is a person's gut feeling about a product, service, or company [...] whilecompanies can't control this process, they can influences it by communicating thequalities that make this product different than that product.
“When enough people arrive at the same gut feeling, a company can be said tohave a brand. In other words, a brand is not what you say it is. It's what they sayit is.” It is a mental construct shared by society about a product, service,organisation or even a person.

What is a brand identity?
I think, when marketing people talk about brand identity they are referring to the“gut instinct”, the image or messaging associated with the product, service,organisation or person. They are not wrong.
The gut feeling is one aspect of the brand's identity, the other is its 'visualidentity'which helps to manage the message or image or gut feeling. “Brandidentity is the collection of all elements that a company creates to portray theright image to its consumer [...] Brand identity is different from “brand imageand “branding," even though these terms are sometimes treated asinterchangeable.”(DeBara, 2017)

Branding can be achieved through:
  • Brand definition: purpose,values, promise
  • Brand positioning statement:what your brand does, who youtarget, and the benefits of yourbrand, a concise statement
  • Brand identity: name, tone ofvoice, visual identity design (whichincludes the logo design, colorpalette, typographies...)
  • Advertising and communications: TV, radio,magazines, outdoor ads, website, mobile apps...
  • Product design
  • Sponsoring and partnerships
  • In-store experience Workspace experience and management style
  • Customer service
  • Pricing strategy
What are the benefit of branding?
  • Branding helps you stand out in a saturated market.
  • Branding gives you credibility.
  • With a clear brand, you can charge what you're worthBranding leads to customer loyalty.
  • Branding leads to returning customers & referrals.
  • Branding = Consistency.
  • Branding helps to attract your ideal clients.
  • Branding your business will save you money and time.
  • Branding will give you confidence in your business.
  • Established branding makes it easier to introduce new products/services.
  • Branding gives you a clear strategy for moving forward.
What is a designer's role in branding?

Designers play a pivotal role in the creation of a brand but they are part of a largernetwork of individuals collaborating to give voice and form to the brand. What isclear is that there can be no brand without the skill-sets a designer brings to thetable. The visual identity that a designer creates constitutes the face of the brand.

Your role is to give form to the content, strategy and messaging. For the designerthis means research (history of client and product, and understanding the targetmarket and more) and the development of a trademark.

To ensure consistency in message, a 'design programme' is necessary to ensure avisual identity is developed that is coherent and cohesive in its application acrossproducts and services of the organisation or person.

The design programme is a a crucial endeavour in every large and mediumenterprise for branding to be effective. The role of the designer is to develop,Oenvision, create a visual identity that is distinct, memorable, consistent, value-based, profit based, gives confidence, increases market-share, endears itself to theaudience and wins the trust and loyalty of its audience. All this through goodresearch and understanding and the development of an effective visual identityprogramme.


Task 1: Breaking Brand


I formed a team with xinyan and Caron, and we decided to study the Xiaomi brand.
After discussion, we decided that in Part A:
I need to do 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, xinyan needs to do 2.1, 2.2, 4, and Carol needs to do 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.
In Part B: I need to complete 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.4, xinyan needs to complete 4-9, and Carol needs to complete 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.

Figure 1.1 Research of Xiaomi

Final Submission

Since my team members and I submitted the same version of ppt and did not analyze the research, I resubmitted the ppt after Ms's feedback.


For individual speech sections, you can't copy and paste. Need to summarize and analyze original content.
You should study more visual examples and illustrate them with examples.


I learned a lot when studying the brand Xiaomi. Every well-known enterprise, his brand model is composed of many things. From brand name, brand logo, selling point, to sales strategy, these are important to the brand. The establishment of a brand is not a simple name and a logo, to understand a brand needs to understand its various aspects.



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)

Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection