Publishing Design: Task 3B


Publishing Design: Task 3B

2 July - 23 July 2024 / Week 11 - 14

Chen Nan / 0363533/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

Publishing Design

Task 3B


This task coincides with Brand Corporate Identity: Task 04

Task 3B: Brand Guideline


For this task, we need to complete an e-book of brand guide. Before that, I didn't know much about e-books, so I tried to find some materials on the Internet and refer to them.

       Figure 1.1 Reference

Figure 1.2 Reference

After some research, I felt that their layout looked very good, and I started to set up the grid and page size in Indesign.

Figure 2.1 Progress

When I first started building the artboard, I was completely unaware of my columns and page margins, and I set the number of columns arbitrarily.

Figure 2.2 Margins & Columns Settings

Once I had established the margins and column count, I started the first page layout. I used my brand colors brown and light yellow for the background of my page and looked for some visual images as a display.

I used my logo element fence to create a border for the margins of the page, and I also linked small leaves and placed them at the top and bottom of some pages as decorations, so that the overall look of the page matches my brand.

Figure 2.3 Type setting

Figure 2.4 Type setting

Figure 2.4 Image

After Ms. Lilian's feedback, I found some problems. I ignored my columns and my grid system, and I didn't layout according to the grid. In font selection, I did not use the same fonts as my Applications to typeset. As for the overall layout of page paragraphs, I did not do a good job.

I fixed these problems, reset the number of columns, and unify the margins on the page. In the layout, I set the line spacing of the paragraph and the distance between the characters. I also unified the wooden fence border to the page.

Figure 2.4  Final Margins & Columns Settings

Figure 2.4 First PDF

I had some problems designing the buttons, my buttons didn't seem to match, it didn't look like a buttons, and it took me a long time to modify the buttons. Ms.LiLian suggested that I capitalize the letters and change them to a different font, and I was surprised to find that it made sense!

Figure 2.5 Before modifying buttons

Figure 2.6 After modifying buttons

3.Weekly Progress

week 12

This week I found that my page border didn't fit with my buttons, so I adjusted the border layout.

week 13

This week I completed the overall layout including the interactive content of the buttons.

3.Final Outcome

Brand Guideline Link:

Figure3.1Publishing Online


week 11
  • Adjust text layout.
  • Paragraphs are not organized neatly and are very scattered.
  • Add some buttons and use some elements of the brand to make it.
  • The background color may be lighter to add some brand elements to the page.
week 12

Modify the shape of the key, the key does not look very reasonable. The border does not match the keys, and the layout of some pages is too crowded, so it is properly adjusted to two pages. The font should be changed to the same font as the Applications. I should have to remember my brand font.

week 13

Maybe delete the subheadings of the table of contents to make them look cluttered. Each page should have the same element border to keep them consistent. Make an ending page.


After completing this mission, I gained a lot. I further deepened my understanding of typography. Before, I was very weak in typography and forgot most of the knowledge of learning typography. Under the guidance of Miss, I picked it up. In the same way, I pay attention to the use of fonts and where each font should appear. This is a very important thing for a designer. For brands, I have deepened my understanding of how to make a brand. It needs brand guidelines to connect all the things made for the brand, which plays a very important role. At the same time, I also simply mastered the interactive use of ID, which is different from PPT and has stronger interactive ability. However, due to my lack of experience, I could not make a lot of interactive content, which is a pity. In short, in the end I completed this task and improved my design level, which is an important learning step for a designer.



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)

Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection