24.04.2024 - 24.07.2024 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Chen Nan / 0363533

Brand Corporate Identity / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media / Taylor's University

Final Compilation & Reflection


Task 01: Breaking Brand

Task 02: Logo

Task 03: Brand & Positioning

Task 04: Brand Guideline


Task 1: Breaking Brand 
Week 1 - Week 3 (24.04.2024 - 08.05.2024)

Figure 1.1 Breaking Brand Document PDF

Fig 1.2 Breaking Brand Slides PDF

Task 2: Logo 
Week 3 - Week 6 (08.05.2024 - 29.05.2024)

Task 2(A) | Logo Research & Analysis

Fig 2.1 Logo Analysis

Task 2(B) | Logo Design

Fig 2.2 Logo Design

Fig 2.3 Logo Design GIF

Task 3: Positioning & Identity  
Week 6 - Week 10 (29.05.2024 - 26.06.2024)

Fig 3.1 Brand Profiling Slides PDF

Logo Applications Artworks

Fig 3.2-10 Logo Applications Artworks

Logo Applications Mockups

Fig 3.11-3.17 Logo Applications Mockups

Collaterals Artworks

Fig 3.18-3.21 Collaterals Artworks

Collaterals Mockups

Fig 3.22-3.25 Collaterals Mockups

Digital Presence Artworks

Fig 3.26-3.29 Digital Presence Artworks

Digital Presence Mockups

Fig 3.30-3.33Digital Presence Mockups

Environmental Graphics Artworks

Fig 3.34-3.36 Environmental Graphics Artworks

Environmental Graphics Mockups

Fig 3.37-3.42 Environmental Graphics Mockups

Task 4: Brand Guideline 
Week 10 - Week 13 (26.06.2024 - 31.07.2024)

Fig 4.1 Brand Guideline PDF 

Publishing Link:

Publishing Online

Fig 4.2 Publishing Online



I learned a lot from this class. At the beginning of this course, I think it is a course to establish a brand image, which has little to do with design. In the more in-depth study, I understand the role of brand design, which can show the visual image of a brand, so that people can intuitively understand the good and bad of the brand with their eyes, so as to make judgments.
At the initial stage of the course, I met with difficulties. The logo I designed could not explain my brand and was not closely related to my brand, so I didn't realize this. However, with the help of Miss, I gradually understood the content of the course and began to make progress. Surprisingly, I have exposed my shortcomings in page layout, which makes me need to work harder to improve it.


During task 1 and task 2, these two projects let me know and have a deep understanding of a brand. In the process of brand shaping, logo is important, it represents the corporate image, so that consumers can intuitively understand the connotation of the brand.
In the visual design of the brand, it is necessary to maintain a consistent design style, as long as people see the brand's products can recognize your brand at a glance, which is an important factor in the brand image.


Through this module, I found that many details in the design need our attention. A good idea of a brand's brand image, it needs to be composed of many aspects, it is not only the brand value, brand story and other soft background. Sometimes, he also needs people to intuitively see the good and bad of the brand, which requires the designer to master the degree of brand image. Designers in the design process, I think the most should pay attention to is the logo part, it is the core of a brand image. In this class, I am very happy that I have created a brand of my own. With the help of Miss LiLian, I have a new understanding and improvement of graphic design. I must be careful about design and believe in my own design!



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)

Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection