Brand Corporate Identity - Task 3 / Positioning & Identity

Brand Corporate Identity - Task 3 / Positioning & Identity

29.05.2024 - 26.06.2024 (Week 6 - Week 10)

Chen Nan / 0363533

Bachelor of Design in Creative Media


Task 3 Brand Identity

Brand Positioning

At the beginning of this task, we need to establish a brand identity to complement our brand background. At the same time, I also need to research and design related applications. Because of my laziness, my brand identity is very poor.

After Ms Li's feedback,I changed my slides .

Fig 1  Positioning & Identity PDF

Logo Applications

  • Business Card
I started the design of the business card, at first I chose to use dark red to design the business card. And the logo is used on both the front and the back.

Fig 2 .Name Card Progress

After feedback from Ms, I changed another color. I also think this color is more beautiful than dark red.At the same time, there is also a problem with my layout. The logo should not be split and used, and the logo has already appeared once, so it is better to delete the logo on the other side. 

I tried to make changes

Fig 3. Name Card Progress


  • Letterhead and Continuation
For my letterhead, I added some elements of my logo and added a wooden fence frame to the margins of the page to make it fit my brand style.

Fig 4. Letterhead

According to the feedback, I found that my font layout was wrong, so I adjusted the font layout and changed the background color. At the same time, the continuation sheet and the back were also made.

Fig 5. Letterhead and Continuation

  • Invoice
For the production of invoices, I did not make many modifications. When I made the first version, I did not use the uniform font of my brand, (again my negligence). Ms suggested me to delete the white background of the logo in the upper left corner of the page, so as to make the layout of the page cleaner.

Fig 6. Invoice first edition

Fig 7. Invoice
  • Envelope
In the process of making the envelope, because I did not pay attention to the layout of the envelope in my daily life, I ignored the position of the stamp. In the process of making the envelope for the first time, I put the logo in the position of the stamp.

Later I changed the layout of the logo and left a blank space in the upper right corner.
Fig 8. Envelope first edition

Fig 9. Envelope 



  • Tea cake packaging

I made a tea cake packaging, tea cake I used a Chinese font, which is more in line with the unique Chinese tea culture.

Fig 10. Tea cake 

  • Tea set
Fig 11. Tea set
  • Handbag
Fig 12. Handbag
  • Coaster
I made a coaster, and this coaster is a wooden, wood grain cushion.

Fig 13. Coaster

Digital Presence

  • Website
For the website, I have almost no idea, I read a lot of cases, leading to my confusion, the expected effect of the website is not very good.

Fig 14. Coaster

  • Instagram
I found some photos of traditional tea houses and put them into my Instagram to make my Instagram page look a lot nicer.

Fig 15. Instagram

Environmental graphics

Environmental graphics I just used the logo to make it look simpler.

Fig 16. Environmental graphics

In addition, I also designed a teahouse poster.

Fig 17. poster

Fig 18. poster


Brand Profiling Slides



  • Logo Applications

  • Logo Applications

  • Environmental graphics

  • Digital Presence


Week 07

Revised brand story, too little explanation of vision and mission, the target audience is confused, did not understand well.

Week 08
  • Look at typesetting information. Work across all corporate stationery consistently
  • Re-check the brand font, the brand font should be consistent.
  • Hierarchy of information unclear. The use of your brand logo is also different from what you propose. Do not take apart your logo. Use it as per your suggestion. Remember the rules you established in task 2 and refined after feedback. Please adhere to it.
    Improve upon the company information layout. Consider centred alignment and removing prefix (email/tel/etc).
  • Try changing colors.
Week 09
  • The logo on the envelope is in the wrong place. The top right corner is where the stamp is.
  • Maybe I can remove the redundant logo on my business card.
  • The white background of the invoice may be deleted more clearly
Week 10

Room for improvement in the conceptualisation of brand values (not to make it too much about what the brand can offer but instead as the fundamental belief of the business). As demonstrated, the brand values reads more like the USP (which as a result is identical to brand value). For brand identity system, strapline set still too small (point size) as well as too close to the brand logo. Do credit your resources accordingly. Incorrect submission of final artwork as each application needs to be submitted as a single file instead of all lumped in together to allow the components of each artwork to be seen in detail. Be careful with the accuracy of brand logo on envelope application as the outcome utilised a flushed left wordmark (should be centred). In addition, the additional graphic component derived form brandmark (leaf) should not be utilised at flap of envelope as the position confuses the brand logo which is placed underneath. Although the overall corporate stationery is cohesive (use of colour palette and framing), there is still room for improvement in typesetting and sensitivity to typographic application. Website design is not as coherent with the overall look and feel of brand looking rather standard and stiff. Commendable effort with environmental graphics where an overall feel for the brand is present.


This task, I really learned a lot of knowledge! In the process of making Brand Profiling, I learned how to describe the background of a brand, which will undoubtedly be of great help for me to establish a brand in the future.

In the production of Logo Applications, I was very confused at the beginning and kept trying to make changes. I forgot the composition content I learned last semester, which caused great difficulties for me to make envelopes and business cards. I found that the brand color I determined in task 2 was too monotonous and not suitable for the font of the article typesetting. I found too many mistakes I had made in the past, which made it difficult for me to move forward in task 3. However, under the guidance of Ms.Li, I gradually modified the previous mistakes and made progress. When creating a brand vision system, it is important to consider the consistency of the brand.



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)

Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection