Minor Project / PINK STUFF (Fleurir)

Minor Project / PINK STUFF (Fleurir)


23.4.2024 - 30/7/2024 / Week 1 - Week 16

Chen Nan / 0363533

Minor Project / Bachelor of Creative Media / Taylor's University

Pink Stuff (Fleurir)




Final Submission

Feedback & Reflection


In the first week, Mr. Mike introduced the learning tasks of this module to us. We needed to do these tasks in groups, and I found Sheryl to team up, and then I added the others: Derin, Rachel, Michelle, Jason, Adifa. Through discussion, we decided to study the project PINK STUDFF.



- Miro Board

- Final Proposal & Presentation Deck

- Final Website

- Final App

- Final Project Tracking Document

Week 2 (Brand research)

During the week, we conducted research on other brands. With Mr. Mike's guidance, we searched for related pink products on the Internet.

Fig 2.1 Group Initial Research

After summarizing, we have selected these products. And we answered "why pink?" The product was selected and the goal was determined.

Fig 2.2 Group Brainstorm

Week 3 (Target setting)

In this week, we continued our in-depth discussion to research other brands, and we found that flowerknowa was more in line with our goal.

Fig 3.1 Products research

At the same time, we also made questionnaire questions.

Fig 3.2 questionnaire questions.

Week 4 (Analyze the questionnaire and prepare for the interview)

Last week, we sent out the questionnaire and began to analyze after receiving the questionnaire results.

Fig 4.1 Analyze the questionnaire. pdf

After reading our questionnaire analysis, Mr. Mike suggested that we select people of each age group for interview, so we prepared the interview questions again.

Fig 4.2 Interview question

We are going to select these people for interview.

Fig 4.3 Interview 


After the interview, we filled in the EMPATHY MAP and determined the user role.


The first character we chose was a 20-year-old girl whose occupation was a student belonging to the consumer group. The second role, a worker, belongs to the middle income group. The third character, she has a higher income. Through the classification of these three characters and their personality characteristics, we can effectively classify our consumer groups.

Fig 5.2 User Peraonas 1

Fig 5.3 User Peraonas 2

Fig 5.4 User Peraonas 3


For our logo we were inspired by the bow ribbon decoration.

Fig 6.1 Logo

Fig 6.2 Logo in Reverse,Colour,Black&White

Billboard Posters

Fig 7.1 Billboard Poster

(Shopping Mall)

Fig 7.2 Billboard Poster


Billboard pop-up Store

Fig 8.1 Billboard pop-up Store

Brand Guideline

Fleurir’s Brand Guideline:

Feedback & Reflection

For weeks 1 through 14, all comments and reflections are documented in our project tracking document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgtPPpep7UFY-fbL0MEhp25DNxBy5_xhZDhMaC-uUYs/edit

G3: Pink Stuff_Fleurir’s important links
Final Presentation Slide:
Brand Proposal Presentation Slide:
Fleurir Website Working File:
Fleurir Website Prototype:
Miro Board:
Promotional Video Teaser Animation: 
Project Tracking Document:
Gantt Chart: 
Survey Google Form:
Survey Analysis: 
Fleurir’s Brand Guideline:
Fleurir’s Product Series Storyline:
Group’s Google Drive (final files & drafts): 
Final Social Media Posts:



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)

Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection