Video And Sound Production (Final Compilation)

 Video And Sound Production -

Final Compilation


04/04/2023 - 01/07/2023 / Week 1 - Week 14
Video & Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media / Taylor's University
Chen Nan / 0363533

Final CompilationBLOG POSTS

project 1 Audio Editing Exercises

project 2 Shooting Practise & Editing

Final project  Stop Motion




1.Dubbing excise

Fig 1.1 Dubbing excise

Google Drive:

In this semester Vsp course, I learned Pr and Au software, which provided me with a lot of new knowledge and content. After Mr's classroom guidance, I skillfully used these two software, and learned how to shoot, video production and sound adjustment. In the project, I also met many new friends through the mutual help of the team, and enjoyed the fun of shooting and the friendship of mutual help.



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)

Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection