
13.09.23 - 15.10.23 week 5 - week 7

CHEN NAN 0363533/Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media


Figure 1.1 MIB 

This task requires the use of letters to design a logo, identifying it can convey the designer's core values and personality, an attractive, unique logo can arouse people's interest.

fig 1.1 reference (19/9/2023)

I like this kind of rounded feeling, so I found reference examples on the Internet, and I designed my name chen as this logo.


After I confirmed my idea, I sketched it out.

fig 2.1  Sketches (19/9/2023)

So after finishing the sketch, I designed it in AI, printed it out in class, and took it with me to ask my husband to give me feedback.

fig 2.2  Print result (19/9/2023)

fig 2.3  Print result (19/9/2023)

After the feedback given by Mr. Mr modified my graphics for me. Every edge of the graphics was not consistent enough, and every specific detail was not round enough, which made the overall strange. Mr. Wang made overall adjustments for me, modifying every corner and vertex of the letters to make them look more coordinated.


Figure 3.1 Modification in JPG (27/9/2023)

Figure 3.2 Modification in JPG (27/9/2023)


Before preparing the design, I selected colors to color my design through the color website given by my husband.

Figure4.1 research color   (3/10/2023)

I choose my colors according to your requirements. In the selection process, the colors I choose should have contrast and not be too close. So I chose the following colors according to my favorite.

Figure 4.1  color chose   (3/10/2023)

I experimented with coloring my letter design.

Figure 4.2  color chose   (3/10/2023)

Figure 4.3  color chose   (3/10/2023)


In this task, we need to design three kinds of extended items, which can be various products in daily life, such as cups, hats, short sleeves, and bottles, and then upload them to IG for display. Show our emotions. We also need to animate the designed fonts, which are key artworks.


I looked for some examples on the Internet to study and find out their advantages so that I could continue this task.

Figure1.1 research   (3/10/2023)

Figure1.2 research   (3/10/2023)


Design the product.

Figure 2.1  PRODUCT (3/10/2023)

Figure 2.2  PRODUCT (3/10/2023)

Figure 2.3  PRODUCT (3/10/2023)


I modified the tote bag and teacup to make them expand more.

Figure 2.4  PRODUCT (10/10/2023)

Figure 2.5  PRODUCT (10/10/2023)

Figure 2.6  PRODUCT (10/10/2023)

Figure 3.1 animation (10/10/2023)

I started to animate my font, I chose a yellow background, with green font so it looks interesting.

Figure 3.2 animation (10/10/2023)
I'm going to pop out my letters one by one, and then show each color.

Figure 3.3 animation (10/10/2023)

Figure 3.4 animation GIF (10/10/2023)

Instagram Layout:

After the modification, I began to prepare the layout of IG. I chose a photo that I was satisfied with, and divided it into four pieces to piece together the IG page.

Figure 2.10  Type (10/10/2023)

After the AI software did the layout, I started uploading all the images to Instagram.

Figure 2.11  Instagram (10/10/2023)

4.Final Submission: Final Task 2: Key Artwork & Collateral

Figure 4.1 Font (10/10/2023)

Figure 4.2  Font (10/10/2023)

Figure 4.3  Font (10/10/2023)

Figure 4.6 Animation gif (10/10/2023)
Figure 4.7  Font (10/10/2023)

Figure 4.8 Mock-up(10/10/2023)

Figure 4.9 Mock-up(10/10/2023)

Figure 4.10 Mock-up(10/10/2023)

Figure 4.11 Mock-up(10/10/2023)

Figure 4.12 Mock-up(10/10/2023)

Figure 4.13 Mock-up(10/10/2023)

Figure 4.14 Mock-up(10/10/2023)

Figure 4.15 Instagram Page(10/10/2023)

Figure 4.16  Instagram (10/10/2023)

Instagram link:

Figure 4.17 PDF (10/10/2023)


General Feedback:The font design must make sense to us, the font design that doesn't make sense is wrong.
Specific Feedback:The size of the poster should be corrected to 1024*1024, the background picture of the poster should be the same as the font style of the design, the texture of the font style design is the leaf, the background picture should be similar to the leaf style

week 5
General Feedback:Try adding color and changing colors. 

Specific Feedback:The shape of the head of each letter should be consistent and become rounded, and the size of the letters should also be consistent, with the letters not close enough together.

week 6 
General Feedback:In the design, should not only put a watermark, copy and paste it can not highlight the characteristics of the brand. 

Specific Feedback:When designing the cup, my wavy curve should be reflected to make the picture more expansive and show its brand value.

week 7 
General Feedback: Upload the ig should be orderly layout, so that the picture is attractive and eye-catching. 

Specific Feedback:Place logos on different parts of the product, leaving blank space where appropriate.

Mission 2 was a challenge for me, and I went through many revisions during production to complete my key artwork. In this task, I used my name CHEN. I needed to incorporate my personality into the letters while maintaining the rationality of the design. After Mr. Vinod patient guidance, I found the direction and understood the purpose of this task.

In the process of completing Task 2, through my observation, the completion of a brand design needs a lot of time for research and exploration. By studying other works, we can also get inspiration and learn a lot of knowledge.


Through Task 2, I realized that when designing content, you must go through a lot of research and have a clear understanding of your own ideas, and other people's examples may be important experiences that can help you complete the task.


Figure 1.1 Manuel d'anatomie typographique

Manuel d'anatomie typographique is a French book by Thibaudeau. This book is an important reference book on printing and typesetting. It introduces various elements and principles of typesetting by means of graphic and graphic combination. The purpose of this book is to deeply explore and explain the structure and components of typesetting, which provides a lot of references for me to further study typesetting design.

This book usually covers the basic principles of typography, the choice and use of fonts, the setting of lines and kerning, layout design, paragraph formatting, the use of punctuation, and so on. It provides the knowledge and skills typographers and designers need to create high-quality printed materials.

This is a classic typography and printing reference book that can be a very valuable resource for those who wish to understand and master typography and typography techniques.



Typography (Week 1-Week 5) Task 1 (Exercise)

Design Research Methodology - Final Compilation and Reflection